How to Play

Basic rules:

  • Both players are given a random exercise to solve.
  • You are provided with an area to write your code, including a template for the exercise function that you must complete.
  • The first player to submit their code wins, but be aware that you may only submit your code once.

The game ends as soon as a player submits their code.

There are no syntax errors allowed. If a player makes any syntax errors, they will be disqualified, and the opponent wins.

If a submission has no syntax errors but fails to pass all tests, the opponent will be declared the winner.

The uncertainty of your opponent's timing makes it more challenging to win.

You can find all information about how the ranking system works here.

You can play against friends, in any programming language available in the Ranked mode.

However, no duelies can be gained from matches between friends.

For now, you can only code in Java, Python, and JavaScript. More programming languages will be added soon.

You need to create an account to be able to play DevDuels.

We hope you enjoy playing and we wish you good luck!

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