Exercise Creators

The minds behind our exercises? They're players just like you!

That's right, the challenges that you tackle in DevDuels are crafted by some of our most creative and skilled players. We believe in a community-driven approach where our users not only engage with the content but also contribute to it. This means you can explore their creative genius in two ways: by clicking directly on their profiles or by typing their names into the search bar.
Alternatively, you can visit devduels.net/profile/[player_name] for a deeper dive into their gaming strategies and exercise contributions.

Have an idea that could challenge our players or a coding puzzle that you think would be a hit? Don't keep it to yourself! Share it with us! We're always on the lookout for fresh, exciting content to enhance our game.

To submit your ideas, just head over to our FAQ page where you'll find guidelines on how to create and submit proposals. If your idea sparks interest, not only will we feature your exercise on our platform, but we'll also credit you as its creator. That means every time someone picks your challenge, your name will be highlighted, showcasing your contribution to both participants in the duel.

And that's not all! If you're curious about who tops the charts in the world of DevDuels, make your way to our Top Duelists page. It's a great place to see who's setting the high scores and perhaps find some inspiration for your next challenge.

We cherish your input and creativity, as it keeps our community vibrant and competitive.
So, if you have an idea that could become the next great challenge on DevDuels, let us know. We can't wait to see what you come up with and potentially add your name to the prestigious list of contributors who enhance the DevDuels experience for everyone. Your involvement could lead to your name being displayed across the platform every time your exercise is selected. Embrace the opportunity to make your mark!

  • dev
    101 exercises created